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Verified JV
Most businesses have assets at their fingertips that they do not  utilise to their full capacity. This is mainly because of time, resources or because it is not part of their strategy or focus.

These assets could be generating a passive income for the business, while creating a massive value add to the end users. 

This is where we come in. 

We specialise in finding the right Joint Venture deals for your business that compliments each of the parties involved and adds a great benefit to the end users. 

Want to see an example of how one Joint Venture deal landed over a million dollars in profit for a health club?
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We only work with established brands and companies, who have a proven track record to deliver exceptional service to their end users. This allows us to ensure all parties can handle the influx of business that is derived from these Joint Ventures.
You Are one Deal Away From
More Leads, 
More Time, 
More Profit, 
More Impact
Every deal that we create for your business will:
- focus on getting you more qualified leads into your business 
- give you more time to focus on your business, while we build automated tracking and delivery of your product or service to the end users
- we create more profit in your business, as we take care of setting up all the infrastructure and systems to achieve the outcome
- we help you create more impact in your community that you can be proud of 

The 3 Secret's to growing any business are: 

- We help you increase the number of ideal clients
- We increase the average transaction value per visit. 
- We increase the frequency of purchase made by your clients. 
If you are an Association or Membership style organisation, we can increase the loyalty and benefits to your members by creating Joint Ventures with products and services that your members utilise in their daily lives. 

For example: If your membership is a sporting club, we can do deals with companies that will offer your members discounts on sporting equipment, sporting apparel, fitness, mobile phone plans insurance, etc... all with a focus on adding massive value to your members who tie their gratitude back to you for getting them access to these deals. 
Meet Stephen Lazar
Stephen Lazar has been in business since the age of 11, groomed by his father. He grew his entrepreneurial skills by adding value to his clients by introducing them to each other and helping them facilitate joint ventures between their respective businesses. 

Stephen turned his passion for joint ventures into a business that specialises in creating win-win-win Joint Ventures. 

What is a Win-Win-Win Joint Venture you might ask?

You might have a product or service that you want to scale, Stephen will find the counter part to it and facilitate the deal, the design and deployment of the joint venture for the purpose of adding value to your business model to help you achieve your goals.

At the same time, the counter part business, is also receiving value for their clients and the end users are extremely happy.

This adds more profits to your bottom line at little or not cost in time or resources to you.
In 10 mins, we can show you exactly how we facilitate Joint Venture's
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Meet Carly Faragher
Carly Faragher is a highly sought after partnerships strategist and business matchmaker.

Carly understands the meaning of your network being your networth, and has facilitated business growth opportunities and partnerships, in positions like Head of Partnerships for TEDxMelbourne, and as the Director of Partnerships for the Health Informatics Society of Australia, and the National Retail Association for 7 years.

Having held positions with over 40 committees and charities to date, she is a well respected community leader, collaborator and connector.

Carly loves to connect people, personalities and businesses together, in order to maximise personal, business and financial potential, having worked with global clients like Mindvalley, World Vision, Hallmark and Salesforce.

How long does it take to setup a Joint Venture? 
We have honed our Systems & processes
How long does it take to increase your revenue by an extra $1M, $5M or $10M? You know the answer to that...it could take months, years or decades.

But with the power of Joint Ventures, we can achieve similar results in a much shorter timeframe and the best part is........

We do all the heavy lifting for you! 

You see, we love what we do and because we have been doing it for so long, we can literally open up our rolodex and find you an appropriate partner to create a Joint Venture with. 

We then identify the opportunities, craft the deal, create the systems and deploy the strategy. You will have full transparency over everything we do. 

Some people might try to copy our methods and do it for themselves....and we are fine with that.

But trust us, it is much easier for you to let us do the hard yards and simply collect a nice check, while you focus on what you do best in your business.

Let's face it, you have worked hard already and you have earned the right to have us do the work for you. 

How does it work?

Simple, there are three pieces to this puzzle.
Once we have identified a host and a partner, we get to work. We do the setup, we identify the hidden profit centers in your companies and we help you capatilize on assets with very little cost or risk. This model is very different compared to working with agencies or consulting firms. 

We aim to make the business more profitable (cashflow injections or longterm cashflow) and at the same time, to make the business owners life easier. 

We create a new source of sales that DOES NOT TAKEAWAY from your normal business and there is Zero disruption to your business. 

We always ensure there is a Win - Win - Win situation for all parties involved. 

Simply put, Joint Ventures are a shortcut for bringing products or services to market and placing them in front of a hungry audience.  
Meet Jase Webster
Jase Webster has put together million-dollar partnerships across a wide range of industry verticals.

WITHOUT spending a cent in advertising!

Jason attributes his ability to solve highly-complex problems from his years working in Police Intelligence where he would gather the right information, resources in order to investigate and “catch the bad guys.”
With the right joint venture strategy, any business with a proven and predictable product or service can be scaled with zero to minimal cost, time & resources.

Jase’s greatest frustration is that businesses are not using the world’s number #1 marketing strategy enough and rely too much on unreliable, unpredictable ways to grow that often comes at a high cost of time and money.

Joint Ventures are the fastest way to access your ideal market, ethically leverage other people’s assets and hard efforts and make a lot of money whilst building a better reputation and adding value to the marketplace.

Scott Bywater

Scott Bywater is a highly sought after direct response copywriter and email strategist who has worked with clients in over 167 different industries.

Scott understands just how valuable an email list can be to any business, as together with split-testing thousands of email subject lines for one of the largest health influencers worldwide, he’s orchestrated launches which have generated more than $470,000 in revenue within 7 days, combined with dozens of five and six figure campaigns.
You’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars building your list, and Scott will show you how to leverage it: not just to generate new business, but to build the loyalty and lifetime value of existing clients, enhancing the value of your asset.

Sporting Club Example

If you are a membership based organisation, your members would love to receive access to offers from you that they cannot get elsewhere.

For example, lets say you are a soccer club, and your members receive a voucher for their birthday from you to spend $50 on shoes from the nearest Foot Locker, would they value their membership more?

Would they tell their friends about it?

What if the next month they receive a free movie ticket?

The next month a gift voucher to spend $50 on flowers for Mothers day? 

The value of your membership has now significantly increased because they get so many perks from their membership, than what they pay to your organisation is minuscule compared to the VALUE they get from being a part of your organisation. 

This increases the lifetime value of each of your members and makes their membership very sticky.  

Why do we ONLY work with Established Companies? 

Simple, we know that when we bring two businesses together of similar calibre, they are both keen to take action nearly immediately. Once both have done their due diligence, we know that both companies have the resources to take swift action. Everyone profits much sooner with proven products and services as opposed to experimenting with untested products or services or trying to build a list from scratch. 

This is also a VERY LOW RISK strategy for all parties involved and only enhances the value add to everyone. The Host, the Partner and the end users. 

Why Start The Process Now?

We only have limited capacity to work with 5 clients a month and there is generally a waiting list of 3 months. 

Plus we need to do our due diligence on your company and it's assets, so we can match you up with your ideal Joint Venture partner. 

Undertaking this task is time consuming as we are perfectionists and meticulous to ensure we achieve massive wins for the host and partner companies and especially for the end users.  

What are the Expenses Involved?

There is a quick interview with us to see if there is a possible fit with one of our partners or host companies. 

If agreed that there is a fit, we will start the process and a small retainer is agreed upon for us to get started. 

Most of the time if you are a host company with a product or service, we will find a partner company to promote your product or service to their database, and vice versa. 

Sometimes there might be a marketing campaign involved where there are marketing costs and promotional materials that need to be created. In this case it will be discussed who will need to pay for the material to be created. 

Joint Ventures

Your Business

Joint Ventures bring in quick cashflow for your business. There are not many moving parts involved in creating the joint venture and the best part is the High Profit to Time Ratio. 

Joint Ventures are an essential strategy to open up new markets, launch products to a hungry audience and the best thing of all is that they are fun. 
Joint Ventures compliment your business as they help create consistant cashflow. It allows you to fund other ventures and grow exponentially by doing multiple joint ventures and even though your business has more moving parts, most of the time your business will be systemized to capatalize on the influx of orders coming in. 

If your business is setup correctly, it will be able to run without you and is scaleable and saleable so with every joint venture you conduct with us, we help you build an asset that keeps on growing.

What Happens when two amazing companies come together? Magic!

Pearson and Disney

Unlock the magic of learning, 
with Disney and Pearson

Nearly twenty years ago, Pearson English and Disney came together to change the way thousands of children around the world learn English, bringing a culture without boundaries into the language classroom.

The world's learning company and the world's greatest story-tellers have joined up once again to empower learners around the globe to share, grow and achieve together, through a common language.

This is the epitome of a great Joint Venture. 

We would love to facilitate a world changing JV like this in the future. 
Ready to get started?
Let us show you exactly how we facilitate Joint Venture's
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